Climate change is happening now. Here in Maketu we’ve already seen its disastrous effects with more frequent coastal flooding and on-going landslides.
Positive action is needed!
In 2022, the Maketu community came together to work collaboratively on a plan to help reduce emissions, manage future loss and aim to safeguard the future of the Maketu people, places and natural environment. The Maketu Climate Change Adaptation Plan (He Toka Tū Moana Mō Maketu) was launched in December of that year and won the New Zealand Planning Institute’s (NZPI) Best Practice Award in April 2023.
The plan outlines various tangible actions that will ensure our community and place are more climate-resilient. These actions range from the development of mara kai (food gardens) and a tree nursery, as well as a community emergency response plan, education programmes and a land use change project.
This mahi is iwi-led, but a whole community effort, so we’ve been working with various community members to bring the plan to life.
To view the whole plan and to see how you can get involved, visit or

Have a climate kōrero
Once you’ve had a look at the plan, talk about it with whānau, friends and neighbours, and think about what YOU can do to help make this happen.
In your conversations, you may discover that not everyone will agree about climate change, but we all have some common ground. For example:
- We all want to keep our way of life here in Maketu.
- We all want a promising future for our tamariki and mokopuna
- We all want to be prepared for and protected from the impacts of extreme weather events
- We all want to be healthy, have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink
- We all want good, stable jobs and security in a changing world
- We all care about the taiao and the health of local and global ecosystems
Although climate change can be very challenging, we need to keep in mind that we are navigators, discoverers and innovators. That we have a history of resilience and survival. Let’s move away from climate anxiety and distress, towards climate action. So, take a look at the video below, check out the plan and join our movement.